Sunday, September 30, 2007

Is God Real?

D Z Phillips ('Introducing Philosophy' p.145) offers a way forward in answering this question.

Why do we assume that no matter what the subject matter - trees, money, love, God - we can always draw the distinction between the real and the unreal in the same way? How would we go about distinguishing between a real and an unreal tree, real and unreal money, real and unreal love, and a real and unreal God? It is in the different ways in which we go about this that we come to appreciate the notions of reality involved.

So we do not know, free of any context, what the distinction between the real and the unreal come to. But if this true, why should it not apply to religion? Should we not explore the kind of reality involved here? May we not find that, surprisingly, the reality involved is a spiritual reality? If this is so, then finding God would be finding this spiritual reality. Struggling to believe would be struggling to find it. Rebellion would be defying or hating this spiritual reality. This is the direction I think the enquiry should take.

1 comment:

Merseymike said...

But isd the 'reality' something we have invented.

I'd say yes. But that does not necessarily make it 'unreal' in the sense of 'unhelpful'