Friday, June 22, 2007

The End is Nigh

Patrick Barkham in the Guardian draws our attention to those soothsayers who warn that the year 2012, with the London Olympics, may well be our last. According to some predictions 21st December of that year is a day of doom. Others say it will simply see the destruction of this shoddy world and its replacement with something shinier.

Shinier? How I just hate shiny. I'm a matt man myself.


MadPriest said...

Thanks for this. Very useful. I will certainly be a last minute Christmas shopper that year. If the world does end you will have saved me a fortune.

goodfornowt said...

Will you join my Campaign to Prevent the Spread of Shiny Things? I have a little more time to devote to this since yesterday I resigned from the Society for Putting Things On Top of Other Things.